So, unless you’ve been living under a rock since December ‘19, you’ll have an idea of how the COVID-19 pandemic has gripped the country like nothing we have ever seen before.
To limit the spread of the infection, the government mandated the closure of numerous public and private facilities, which unfortunately (and understandably), included, our local gyms, studios, and sporting clubs.
As we begin to regain a sense of normality, we thought we would share a post about exercise making a comeback into our lives.
It’s time to turn off Tiger King (or White Lines or whatever captured your attention during iso) and get some movement back into your bones!
Why Exercise?
Exercise, provides a range of benefits including:
Strengthens your musculoskeletal system
Helps improve mental health and general mood (think happy chemical release)
Improves your sleep
Helps with control of bodyweight
Lowers your risk of some serious disease (including cancer, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension)
Enhances immune function through a range of mechanisms (including activating your bodies surveillance cells!)
Gives some structure to your day!
Easy Like a Sunday Morning
While we are incredibly excited for everyone (including us!) being able to get back into the gym (studio or other), it’s important to keep in mind that too much, too soon can potentially cause an overload on the body and induce injury, pain or exhaustion.
A measured approach - starting slow, progressing consistently, and resting when required, will give your body the time to adapt to the demands of your chosen activity.
If you’ve put exercise on the back burner during the last few weeks (or months), try starting with a little bit, 10-15 minutes a day, and build up over a few weeks to 30 or so minutes a day.
Ultimately it is about tailoring your exercise to an intensity that best suits you.
Rule of Thumb
It is also important to be aware of any new rules at your facility of choice, including maintaining an appropriate social distance, using your towel, being mindful of wiping down equipment (where required) and regularly washing (or sanitising) your hands! Contact your facility of choice for their full list of guidelines.
Looking for inspiration?
Here’s some Retrain Health in-house fitness favourites!
Jetts Ballina (stop by and say hi to osteo Dan)
Walk the Byron Bay lighthouse or try a local bush track (Minyon falls etc.)
Get on your bike and ride along your local beach (hard sand recommended)
Go for a surf or learn to surf (we’ve been digging Broken Head in Byron or Sharpes beach in Ballina )
Buy a kettlebell and swing away at home
Try a trial week at your local gym or studio of choice

Retrain Health is based in the Northern Rivers, NSW. From our Byron Bay and Ballina clinics, our team provides a range of quality healthcare services and products.
Retrain Health offers osteopathy, remedial massage and strength and conditioning sessions with qualified practitioners.
If you are interested in finding out more information or would like to book an appointment, please contact the clinic by phone (02) 6680 7447, send us an email or click here to book an appointment online.